Enhancing the Authenticity of Animal By-products: Harmonization of DNA Extraction Method from Novel Ingredients
Enhancing the Authenticity of Animal By-products: Harmonization of DNA Extraction Method from Novel Ingredients
Andreia Filipa-Silva, Raquel Castro, Mariana Rebelo, Maria J Mota, André Almeida, Luisa MP Valente, Sonia Gomes
The increasing global pressure to explore alternative protein sources derived from animal by-products has opened-up opportunities, but it has also created the need to assess their compliance with labelling statements, to ensure consumer’s trust in the composition of both feed and food products. Assessing the authenticity of highly processed animal by-products, particularly within the rapidly expanding Halal food market, presents a significant challenge due to the lack of robust and standardized methodologies. However, the success of DNA based authenticity system is highly dependent on the extracted DNA quantity, quality, and purity ratios from heterogeneous matrices. In this work, nine DNA extraction methods were tested on selected processed animal by-products with high-value and interest for the feed industry: meals from poultry meat, blood and feather, and hydrolysates from swine meat and bone, fish, and black soldier fly. The proposed DNA extraction methods are developed to specifically target swine-specific mitochondrial region, as a case study. Both the conventional CTAB method and the commercial kits, specifically Invisorb® Spin Tissue Mini and NucleoSpin™ Food, demonstrated superior extraction efficiency and quality ratios. Nevertheless, commercial kits enabled faster detection in comparison to the conventional methods. The absence of swine DNA was successfully validated and confirmed in all animal meals and hydrolysates that did not contain swine in their composition beforehand, demonstrating their compliance with the Halal market requirements.