BYT Research Scholarship - Blue Young Talent - sponsored by SOJA DE PORTUGAL
SOJA DE PORTUGAL is sponsoring a research scholarship for the BYT program - Blue Young Talent - at CIIMAR, on the subject "Glycerol as an Alternative Ingredient in Diets: Potentials for Aquaculture” (O glicerol como ingrediente alternativo em dietas: potencial para a aquacultura).
Cultivating carnivorous fish species relies on sources of excellent quality protein in the diet. However, supplying ingredients that reduce protein catabolism is clearly an added value at the environmental level, allowing for a reduction in the emission of nitrogen into the environment.
Therefore, if it were possible to substitute ingredients such as fishmeal for alternative, more economical nutrients, the environmental benefits would join with the economic benefit. Preliminary studies point to glycerol, which should be efficiently digested by fish. Therefore, this project will test supplementing the diet with 5% and 10% glycerol. The diets of two species relevant to aquaculture will be evaluated, namely rainbow trout and seabass.
Partners: CIIMAR
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